Read the exciting story of Nick & Rozanne Savoca, veteran missionaries of Youth With A Mission & Teen Challenge, with over 50 years of experience in missions.

Their narrative weaves the two dominant themes of their Christian experience, Prayer & Evangelism, and how they came together to birth a vision called Prayer Stations, one of the fastest growing and most fruitful evangelism strategies of our time.

This book will:

Endorsement by Loren & Darlene Cunningham:

“……You will be challenged and inspired as you read the Savoca's journey of seeing Prayer Stations established to encounter people in their times of greatest need with Five Little Words that have changed lives and eternity!”
- Loren & Darlene Cunningham
Co-Founders of Youth With A Mission (YWAM)

Endorsement by Don Wilkerson:

“……This life story of missions work, as told in this book, can serve as a Missions Manual for present and future workers called to reach the lost. May many more YWAM'ers and others hopefully follow in the Savoca’s footsteps of faith, sacrifice, risk-taking, and as prayer warriors to “rescue the perishing and care for the dying.”
- Don Wilkerson
Co-Founder of Teen Challenge, Inc
President Emeritus, Teen Challenge
At Brooklyn, NY Center


We purchased a new Prayer Station - after many years of use - with one or more parts broken. So we got a new one after 15+ years of weekly use. We thought the old one had seen a better day, but hoped that visiting teams coming through might want to use it.

Instead, God put in on the heart of a Korean Presbyterian policeman and his wife, so it's now being used weekly in the Bay of Plenty.

In recent months new volunteers from the community have come on board to help. One couple in particular, he's Pakeha, she's Japanese, have really made a difference. After they started coming a couple months ago, she told her husband they should bring some coffee & tea. He agreed. It went well.

The next week they added some cake. It went even better. Then they started adding sandwiches. And others started helping.

The crowds - and openness for prayer - have grown substantially. Sometimes they're continuing long after our scheduled 10 pm close.

Reminds me of God leading YWAM to add Mercy Ministries to our evangelism in the late 70's.

I met with about a half dozen last night after the open meeting. One is from Africa, another Somoan, Japanese, Korean, and Maori. The unity, commitment, and love for the Lord - and the Prayer Station Ministry - was precious to observe.

Thanks for sharing this ministry with us.

This is the face that makes my heart so happy! 😍This sweet girl doesn't ask for much, but loves to ask for food!

She's been on a gluten free diet since she was 5 due to Celiac Disease (an auto immune disease). We are super strict with what she eats, literally NO GLUTEN at all and because of that she has been in remission for a few years. ❤️❤️

So on a beautiful summer evening when this cute face asks for Dairy Queen, we just can't resist! She deserves it! 🍧 Family time is the best time! 🥰 #oolafamily#oolafun

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