Amazing Feedback - The Holy Spirit Speaks

Posted by Ron S

I missed the last Band of Brothers event last month, due to my back surgery. One of the people I connected with at the last event reached out to me afterwards, and I was blessed with their kind and encouraging words.

Here was his message to me:

"The last Band of Brothers event was amazing. So much... where do I start. I missed you very much. I went to the Prayer Station and gave my testimony of when you prayed for me, and a few guys received prayer. I explained of the power and works the Holy Spirit did after I met you there. I prayed for your back with a couple of the guys. The Lord revealed a lot to me including trials that started as I was there at home. Just a lot of demonic attacks but this has just fueled me to push forward and not retreat."

"Kyle Thompson's preaching almost started the next revolutionary war. Lol. He was powerful and I was able to minister to a few people the Lord sent to me and many guys were able to pour into me too."

"How are you feeling by the way? I love you man, and I never forget how the Lord used you mightily in my life."

God is so good. When you are listening to the Holy Spirit, He can bring divine appointments and use you to reach people for Jesus. I was so encouraged by this word, and know the Holy Spirit is doing an amazing work in his life as well.


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